Tuesday, March 20, 2007

IPhone isn't MyPhone

What the hell is wrong with me? Why in the world am I not excited about the IPhone? Don't get me wrong, I realize it is a sexy piece of hardware. I also realize that I already have Cingular and I am able to upgrade my phone in June. June. The same month that the IPhone will be released to the masses. Its like, the stars are aligning for me to light up my credit card.

Here is the problem. Its 599 fucking dollars. Oh sure I could get the lower model for 499 but anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't be able to sleep at night doing that. Oh by the way...in order to get those bargain prices I will have to be Cingular's whore for another 2 years. Fuck that.

Here is my problem with the IPhone. I just don't care about it. Period. Its a phone...its an mp3 player. Big deal. I have an ipod. I love it. I don't want my phone to be an mp3 player. I want my phone to be a damn phone. And for right now my SLVR does that just fine. Yes yes I know. The SLVR is also an mp3 player. True, but it sucks at that so I don't even consider it a feature.

I don't care about the touch screen...I don't care about google maps being on my phone. Know why? Cingular will rape me to use it. As it is I already end up paying upwards of 200 dollars for two phones and I don't even have a data plan.

For me it really isn't that much of an inconvenience to use one device as a phone and one as an mp3 player. For crying out loud my phone literally weighs a few ounces. Is it really that heavy and bulky? Its not like I am carrying around an entire office in my pocket. Its a fucking phone. Its not a huge deal to have different devices for different purposes.

I think what it boils down to is that Apple let me down. I was really hoping they would release the iphone as an unlocked device. Nah, they decided to hop in bed with Cingular. Whatever.

This makes me sad. My consumer whoreism has been foiled by of all people Apple. After all, they are the company that usually reaches into my pocket, seductively removing my wallet, whispering sweet nothings into my ear all while dropping a few hundred at the apple store. You have let me down Apple. :-(

Monday, March 19, 2007

The return of DAN

Its been several months. Actually over 6 months since DAN died a premature death. What has happened since then? I'll give you the conference room professional bulleted list:

- Moved out of apartment
- Bought house
- Worked on an entertainment/comedy podcast
- Podcast went belly up due to said house
- Got the urge to bring dan back from the dead

And here we are. I decided to use Blogger due to sheer speed until I have more time to design a proper site. I still own dollars-and-nonsense.com you know. Lets just say home ownership offers me an endless supply of material for this blog.

Stay tuned...I have big ideas for this site as well as a couple side projects. I want to keep busy with this. I have time now since I am too broke to actually leave my basement and my 50 inch plasma. Oh yea, forgot to mention that. I bought a 50 inch plasma. Some things never change...even with 100K plus in debt.

Oh and Keith, remember our debt battle...you win...period.